This website

Why did I create this website?

There is a course at my university called "Digitale Medien" (digital media) where we learn about different types of media and how to create them. To pass this course I was required to make a small website as well as create other content. I decided to create a website about myself and my projects because I've always wanted one and thought it could be useful in the future.


I used Visual Studio Code to write the code for this website. I used HTML, CSS and JavaScript without any frameworks to create this website from scratch.

My thought process:

I took some inspiration for the color design from GitHub: So dark background, even darker header and footer and colorful accents. I liked the "Source Sans Pro" font for most of the site and the "Space Mono" font for the project lists. A simple list of projects would be boring so I decided to make a grid with four cells for each project type.

Since I don't know much about HTML, CSS and JavaScript, I looked up tutorials on websites like W3Schools, Mozilla Web Docs, Stack Overflow and others when I got stuck or wanted to try something new.